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Piplexed is a command line tool to identify outdated python packages, installed from PyPI, via pipx. It displays it's output as a rich printed table by default, with an alternative tree output available if desired.

What is pipx ?

Pipx is a tool to help you install applications written in Python, into isolated environments with the ability to run them globally with no environment activation necessary.


  • Python 3.8+
  • At least one python package installed with pipx

Windows Users

If you experience issues with strange characters being shown, this is most likely due to Windows ability to handle utf-8 encoding. If this happens you may need to change the code page by typing chcp 65001 or use a prompt like ohmyposh which does this for you.


Piplexed is designed to be installed or run via pipx.

To install piplexed with pipx

$ pipx install piplexed

Or to run piplexed without installing

$ pipx run -- piplexed list --outdated

Basic Usage

Show the installed package version and the latest PyPI version, excluding pre-release and dev-release versions.

$ piplexed list --outdated

Show the installed package version and the latest PyPI version, including pre-release and dev-release versions.

piplexed list --outdated --pre

Show the installed package version and python version of the virtual environment of packages installed with pipx. (Similar to the pipx list command, without the need to go out the internet, which the pipx list command does).

$ piplexed list

If you prefer there is also a tree view option.

$ piplexed list --tree


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.